Face recognition is an important application of Image processing owing to it’s use in many fields. The project presented here was developed after study of various face recognition methods and their efficiencies.
Face recognition has been a sought after problem of biometrics and it has a variety of applications in modern life The problems of face recognition attracts researchers working in biometrics, patternrecognition field and computer vision . Several face recognition algorithms are also used in many different applications apart from biometrics , such as video compressions , indexings etc.
I propose a real time face recognition system based on PCA and Mahalanobis distance . The main challenge for a face recognition system is of effective feature extraction.
This project on Face recognition had given me an opprtunity to study about many popular methods used in the field of face recognition. The elaborate literary survey provided me with the pros and cons of many recognition systems and the trade-off associated with them. I also came to know that combining two or more techinques can improve the accuracy of system greatly.